Monday, September 17, 2012

What to do? What to do?

So, generally I don’t really think much about blogging because I think “who wants to read about my boring life?”  I mean, I go to work (boring),  come home and do laundry (or dishes, or, on a rare occasion, cook dinner  - all boring), and we all do 5th grade homework (which is torcherously boring) and then plop on the couch for some “down time” before I give up and just go to bed at 9:30… I mean totally lame, right?! 
(p.s.  “downtime” is probably the most stimulation my brain gets all day since it consists of a multitasking Triathelon of pinterest, facebook and whatever funny tv shows I can find.)

But I actually do have several legitimate thoughts through out the day.  I mean I have really great people around me that help me stay on my toes.  And I have some great girls that I do a Bible/book study with.  So I mean,  I am a human with thoughts, opinions, and emotions.
If you ask my husband, I bet he’d say I even have a heapin’ helpin’ of the emotions part!  And now that I think about it, he’d probably say that about the opinions too! 

But seriously, I’m not a laundry, homework, dishes, cleaning robot.  Really… I’m not (just come by the house – you’ll see!)

So, I’ve been trying to figure out how to best utilize my blog.  I mean I’ve never really put it to good use and now that I have a family, I feel like I have a great way to archive or memories, right?!  But who wants to remember the tears during homework time (I’m talking EVERY NIGHT people) or the laundry….  Snoozeville.  Nobody cares!  Especially not me.  And let’s face it, we are broke, so we don’t have any major adventures!  Our weekends are pretty tame –the midget is usually not even here, so the hubbers and I veg-out on the weekends and our biggest event is a trip to the grocery store (yipee).

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not complaining!  Life is good here for the most part (especially considering what our first year of marriage has been like), and I enjoy my family very much (most of the time).  But is our life blog worthy material?  

No, I don’t think so. 

I follow quite a few blogs that have certain themes  each day (for example Monday Mind Dumps from The Housewife Rookie and Wordless Wednesdays from Thoughts from a Mary Heart).  I could do that, but I’m such an unorganized mess most of the time that I’d be blogging Mondays on Thursdays and Wednesdays on Mondays.  What a stress NON reliever!!  I’m getting anxious just thinking  about it!!!  

(Breath, Goltz.  Just Breath)

I would love for my life to be all put together so nice in a little blog worthy package (which is what I feel like other people’s lives are like) but at the same time my “rebellious” side physically rejects that and I end up sabotaging myself.

I get bored – what can I say?!

And truthfully I KNOW that other people don’t always live like that – they are just more creative at only showing the fun parts of their lives.
(which I’m not knocking – I just don’t have that gift)

So, what exactly am I babbling on about, anyway?  

Who really knows for sure!!  I guess I’m just venting/appologizing for not keeping this up, while at the same time explaining why I don’t.

Maybe  I’m just thinking out loud.

I mean this is a great space to vent, explore, learn, teach, and whatever else so I don’t want to give up on it.  I’m just not exactly sure how it fits in my life... yet.

Today, I have purged thoughts and explained my issues.  Maybe Mondays will be that kind of day – I’ll have to come up with a cutsie little name for it, but maybe that’s what it will be for.  I’m gonna have to break out my thesaurus to figure out cute little names for the days.
(who am I kidding?   I don’t own a thesaurus)

Ok, well that’s it for today (THANK GOD!!!  - I can hear you saying that right now and it’s ok – I feel your pain).

I guess we will just have to see what TOMORROW brings...

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ok, so...
So many things have happened since the wedding.  I must admit that in the beginning, I was just lazy and didn't have much to post.  I mean, there's only so much you can say about the wedding, right?!  Don't get me wrong - I LOVED IT! And I'm so grateful for all the hard work that my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc. put into it!  It NEVER would have happened without you all.

Being married has been an adventure for sure - even though I feel like I was very prepared.  But nothing could have prepared me for what was coming.

Many of you know that Danny has a daughter.  Chloe - she's nine.  I love her dearly, and, if you saw her dancing getting her party on at the wedding, you know why.  She is always having fun - which is right up my ally!

Well, just after 3 months of wedded bliss, Danny got a disturbing phone call.  Chloe's mom had suddenly passed.


Yeah.... That's what I said.  Her mom was gone.  Chloe was without her mother.

Now, of course, this meant Chloe was coming to live with us.  Which he was looking forward to.  And I think Chloe was looking forward to (although I don't think the circumstances were ideal for her).

I wasn't NOT looking forward to it.  I was just NOT PREPARED.  Which is my biggest nightmare.  BIGGEST.

So, I'll sum up all the gory details by saying we're ALL in for some serious adjustments.

Having said that, it has been 2 months of praying, crying, adjusting, crying, being blessed, crying, fighting, crying, counseling, crying, and... a little more crying.  Did I mention crying?  Did I mention it was mostly by me?  Ok... let's move on.

Back to what matters... Chloe is doing great.  Danny and I are doing great.  And to be honest, as a family, we are doing great.  The Lord is watching over us, protecting us, and blessing us like crazy mad blessings!

There are so many thoughts and feelings and prayers going through my head and heart at any given moment, that I don't really know what to say next.  What I do know is that the Lord knows what He is doing.  He knows why this is happening to our family and He knows how it all ends because He is already there.  Wow... what peace that brings.

This is just the beginning.  I can't help but look forward to the future.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Deed is Done...

Ok, so that's a bit of a dramatic title, but seriously....IT'S FINISHED!  The wedding has come and gone and was absolutely wonderful!  I enjoyed it so very much!  I'm still waiting on pics, so I'm not posting any yet, but I will as soon as I can.  Thanks to all who came and celebrated with us!  It was a blast.

PS... Now that I have put the address out there for you all to see, I will make it a priority to get on here and actually POST SOMETHING!!  :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

So much to catch up on...First things first: CALIFORNIA

Ok, well I had the honor of being in my cousin's wedding on July 4th. Here's the kicker: it was in Laguna Beach, California! Oh darn...California! Shoot! Well, I guess....if I have to!

Yeah, right!!!

I practically had my bags packed as soon as she asked me!!! And, the best part - Danny gets to go too!!

So, me, Danny, my mom, my brother, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, and cousin's friend all got on a plane (or two) and flew to LAX for a week of fun in the sun!

We all had so much fun. I could go on a day by day synopsis, but I won't bore you (lol)! We went all over LA from LAX to Hermosa Beach to Laguna Beach to Hollywood to Beverly Hills to Santa Monica...Well you get the picture!

Here are just a few pics to show you what a fun time we had! Special "Thanks" go out to Nathan Ross and Jessica (Sawyer) Ross for inviting us to be a part of their special day!!